From His Desk ..........

Don't waste your time searching for your Shadow. There will be a time when even Shadow vanishes.... it won't join you in your last step.
You Must Remember, You have to walk alone in life. Ups and Downs are just passing stones. Never bend down to seek help unless worthy. Ask yourself for the favor you need...find it with you, in you .
Do research on yourself, not on people, they are never yours. Stay focused, try to know what exactly you want ... U Will Succeed !!!
From His Desk.... A man of Dignity n  Discipline, Carrying the Simplest ever Smile, a Gentleman could ever have, He ruled over us.
 Carrying A Hymn Book & His Diary in His hand, He delivered the Morning Sermons .
Proud to be a Stewartonian to have Completed my entire School Career Under One Principal.
Remembering all the Best Days of School,specially the late comer punishment of explaining a verse from the Bible, I bid you a Good Bye Sir !
Your words have always helped me Enlighten My Path !
May Your Soul Rest In Peace Pinci, Mr. Ashok Kumar Patra 
Amen ...


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